My blog is finally back after a short break of almost 8 years. Short? No not really, but those 8 years flew by so it feels like it! I therefore will start with a very short introduction of myself for everyone who does not know me yet.
Here I am surrounded by these amazing women in the yarn world during
Vogue Knitting Live NY 2019.
I am Sylvia Roozeboom, now 51 years old and in 2011 I started Wol met Verve. So I have been selling my hand-dyed yarns for almost 9 years now and hope to do so for many years to come. I am a mother of 1 son of now 27 years old and live with my husband in a small village in what we call 'De kop van Overijssel', I think one of the most beautiful parts of the Netherlands! The many greenery, the swamp area, the many lakes and rivers......, it gives me peace in my busy life. I like to travel to discover other countries, taste the culture there, meet lovely people and of course visit fairs and shops because yes, in the end everything is a bit about yarn. But I am also always very happy to be home again, in our beautiful soothing environment and in my own studio to make beautiful colors for all those lovers of hand-dyed yarns!
Back to the beginning ...
I hardly know where to start because how do you catch up with so many years! And how much has happened in all those years! You don't update that in 1 blog post, that would be a complete book. I started a blog in 2012 and I actually really liked that. I had just started my teeny-tiny company .... I say teeny-tiny company because yes, it was really very small at the time and I had no idea what was coming. I had no big dreams or elaborated business plans, I just wanted to work with yarn and color and earn some money in the meantime. But, if I do something, then I want to do it right and then you suddenly go from playing with color to a company with everything that comes with it. Everything started small and that was all fine to do besides normal family life and a full-time job. That only took a very short time, everything accelerated after I got name recognition by showing my yarns at various large and small fairs. From then on it was only running all the time and never time to stop! No more time for so many things that you know you should or that you actually want. I hear so often 'you really have to do that, that is good for your company, just put it on your agenda ...' And yes that is true, it should be that way. But my days also only lasted 24 hours and I just can't manage to do all those things that I wanted so badly and then you choose the most urgent and you are mainly lived by the issues of the day.
And back to now...
Until now ..... until Covid-19 ...... and then everything that was once so obvious changes. Just like for everyone, this also means a lot to me and my company. Suddenly no more fairs because they have all been canceled. Suddenly almost no more deliveries to shops because they are all closed. I am really happy see that many loyal customers continue to buy and order online from these stores. Many of these stores did not have webshops and now you can see that several shops starte a webshop over the last few weeks, well done! Because suddenly, like me, they are forced by the situation to do things differently and suddenly also have time to think about it and make choices. That is also the best side of this strange uncertain time in which we suddenly have arrived. Suddenly I have room in my head to think; how do I want to continue, what is good and do I want to expand, what do I no longer want or do I want to do differently? Ideas can be worked out, mountains of overdue work can now be done, knowledge can be brushed up and a blog can finally be written ........ It is not that I now have plenty of time, I still work until late very often in or in the weekends. But with less pressure and with the nice feeling that I can finish something and that is wonderful. What can you expect from me here? I'm going to try my best to write something every week because there is so much I want to share. Personal things, practical things, new items in the webshop, current projects ..... everything I like and that may be of interest to you. Do you have a great idea for a subject, is there something you would like to know more about? Let me know!
I am so very grateful for all those regular customers and all new customers who now support Wol met Verve through thick and thin by ordering regularly. I can continue as usual, pay the rent of my commercial property (not unimportant too

) and continue to dye more yarn! That is exactly what I am going to do now, because there is a need for new news in the webshop.
See you later!
Wat geweldig om er achter te komen dat er iemand met een liefde voor Fiber Arts iets in Zwartsluis (van alle plekken) is begonnen. Mijn middelbare school bevond zich in Zwartsluis. Woonde zelf een paar jaar lang aan het Zwarte Sluisje. Daarna toch door gerezen door de grote stad. Zelf ben ik een kunstenaar dat veel werkt met fiber arts als onderdeel (maar niet als uitgangspunt). Maar dit is natuurlijk wel weer een goede reden mijn kennissen in Zwartsluis op te zoeken (evt. Meppel) en gelijk hier even binnen te wippen op een eerste zaterdag van de maand. Wat tof dit zeg :D.